Hospitality, Commercial and
Construction Solutions

“Quest Project Management understands the owner’s objectives while working within the boundaries of an operating hotel. Several of our projects together have been safe, on budget, on time and in the end have helped us as owners to realize our desired financial return.”

– Chris Brill-Edwards, Director of Construction Starwood Capital, Europe

We work under many Different Models


Provide competitive pricing as a general contractor by leading a team of subcontractors and our own forces.


Provide collaborative partnership with owner and designers from pre design phase.


Provide tools and support needed to plan, execute and control the project after design phase.


Lead the design and construction of the project as a single entity, as a turn key solution.

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Quest Project Management uniquely tailors each project based on owner needs and scope requirements.

You are encouraged to reach out to us to discuss your project, whether it includes planning and advisory services, management services or general contracting services.

“Quest, with their proactive and engaged approach, were instrumental in driving the projects to be on time and within the allocated budgets. He allowed us to lead the design but he led the process which resulted in an award-winning project. I was a true collaboration working with Hassan and we only wish we had more projects like these to work on.”

– Ronnette Riley, Architect, NY, NY,
Empire State Building